Saturday, January 16, 2016

"When you care about people, they care about you."

"I'm not here to fight your war. Everyone has to fight their own battles. I'm here to fight mine."

Educational Postcard: Geography learning goal

Allusion to Simon from "Lord of the Flies"

Imagined book cover for "Lord of the Flies"

Imagined book cover for "Othello"

"A New Year's resolution to read more would not go amiss."

Imagined comic book character: "Dark Vision"

Imagined book cover for the book "1984"

"We'll all have a big role to play at some point; will you be ready?"

"When life says it's your turn to serve, don't hold anything back."

Imagined book cover for "Watership Down"

"The day my imagination was restored was the day the dragons came back."

Imagined book cover for "Macbeth"

"Look forward. Always look forward. The sun will rise and the day will break and the world will start afresh."

Quip: "Here's how to write a hit hip-hop song...."

"Who are the ghosts behind the scenes that attempt to run our world?"

Quip: "There is good in this world; it lies under the surface layer of fear."

Quip: "There is a plan, right?"

Quip: "The generation that criticizes this generation should be called the lost generation for they have lost all perspective on what they were really like."

Educational Postcard: Inquiry question for teachers working together

Educational Postcard: Inquiry question for teachers working together

Photo Series: Life is a Highway: "Highway Headlights"

Spirit Tree Cider - I give this cider a 10 out of 10

Forbidden Dry Cider - I give this cider a 9.5 out of 10

Shiny Apple Cider - I give this cider a 9 out of 10